BalloonCheckbox Object


Represents a check box in the Office Assistant balloon. The BalloonCheckbox object is a member of the BalloonCheckboxes collection.

Using the BalloonCheckbox Object

Use Checkboxes(index), where index is a number from 1 through 5, to return a single BalloonCheckbox object. There can be up to five check boxes in one balloon; each check box appears when a value is assigned to its Text property.

The following example creates a balloon with a heading, text, and three region choices. When the user selects a check box and then clicks OK, the appropriate procedure is run.

With Assistant.NewBalloon
    .Heading = "Regional Sales Data"
    .Text = "Select your region"
    For i = 1 To 3
        .CheckBoxes(i).Text = "Region " & i
    .Button = msoButtonSetOkCancel
    Select Case True
        Case .CheckBoxes(1).Checked
        Case .CheckBoxes(2).Checked
        Case .CheckBoxes(3).Checked
    End Select
End With

Balloon check boxes display the user's choices until the user dismisses the balloon. Balloon labels record the user's choice as soon as the user clicks the button beside the label.


Application property, Checked property, Creator property, Item property (Assistant, BalloonLabel, and BalloonCheckbox objects), Name property, Parent property, Text property.

Example (Microsoft Access)

See the Assistant object example (Microsoft Access).

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