StartWizard Method

Applies To

Assistant object.


Starts the Office Assistant as part of a process to provide additional explanation for existing custom wizard panels. Returns a number that uniquely identifies the Office Assistant wizard session.


expression.StartWizard(On, Callback, PrivateX, Animation, CustomTeaser, Top,
úLeft, Bottom, Right)

expression Required. An expression that returns an Assistant object.

On Required Boolean. The wizard's local state. When the method returns, this argument is True if the user requests help for the wizard from the standard balloon that asks the user whether he or she wants help.

Callback Required String. The name of the callback procedure to be run.

PrivateX Required Long. The unique identifier of the Office Assistant balloon panel that initiates the callback procedure.

Animation Optional Variant. The type of animation that the Office Assistant performs when it appears. The default value is msoAnimationGetWizardy.

CustomTeaser Optional Variant. True to have the standard balloon that asks the user whether he or she wants help be replaced with a custom balloon.

Top, Left, Bottom, Right Optional Variant. The position of the corners (in points and relative to the screen) of the custom wizard panel that the Office Assistant will avoid when the user starts it or switches to it.


It isn't necessary to use the Visible property to display the Office Assistant if you use the StartWizard method.

See Also

ActivateWizard method, Assistant object, EndWizard method.


This example starts the Office Assistant as part of a process to provide additional explanation for existing custom wizards. If the user clicks the selection in the balloon that requests additional help, the callback procedure will be run. The variable helpForWiz is set to the return value of the StartWizard method.

helpForWiz = Assistant.StartWizard(on:=True, _
    PrivateX:=23, Callback:="myCallback", _
    Animation:=msoAnimationGetAttentionMajor, _
    CustomTeaser:=False, Top:=100, Left:=200, _
    Bottom:=50, Right:=200)