MouseIcon Property
Applies To
CheckBox control, ComboBox control, CommandButton control, Frame control, Image control, Label control, ListBox control, OptionButton control, ScrollBar control, SpinButton control, TabStrip control, TextBox control, ToggleButton control, UserForm object.
Assigns a custom icon to an object.
object.MouseIcon = LoadPicture( pathname)
The MouseIcon property syntax has these parts:
Part | Description |
object | Required. A valid object. |
pathname | Required. A string expression specifying the path and filename of the file containing the custom icon. |
The MouseIcon property is valid when the MousePointer property is set to 99. The mouse icon of an object is the image that appears when the user moves the mouse across that object.
To assign an image for the mouse pointer, you can either assign a picture to the MouseIcon property or load a picture from a file using the LoadPicture function.
See Also
MousePointer property.
The following example demonstrates how to specify a mouse pointer that is appropriate for a specific control or situation. You can assign one of several available mouse pointers using the MousePointer property; or, you can assign a custom icon using the MousePointer and MouseIcon properties.
This example works in the following ways:
- Choose a mouse pointer from the ListBox to change the mouse pointer associated with the first CommandButton.
- Click the first CommandButton to associate its mouse pointer with the second CommandButton.
- Click the second CommandButton to load a custom icon for its mouse pointer.
To use this example, copy this sample code to the Declarations portion of a form. Make sure that the form contains:
- Two CommandButton controls named CommandButton1 and CommandButton2.
- A ListBox named ListBox1.
Note This example uses two icon files (identified by the ico file extension) that are loaded using the LoadPicture function. You should edit each LoadPicture function call to specify an icon file that resides on your system.
Private Sub ListBox1_Click()
If IsNull(ListBox1.Value) = False Then
CommandButton1.MousePointer = ListBox1.Value
If CommandButton1.MousePointer = fmMousePointerCustom Then
CommandButton1.MouseIcon = LoadPicture("c:\msvc20\cdk32\" _
& "samples\circ1\bix.ico")
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
CommandButton2.MousePointer = CommandButton1.MousePointer
If CommandButton2.MousePointer = fmMousePointerCustom Then
CommandButton2.MouseIcon = CommandButton1.MouseIcon
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
CommandButton2.MousePointer = fmMousePointerCustom
CommandButton2.MouseIcon = LoadPicture("c:\msvc20\cdk32\samples\push" _
& "\push.ico")
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'Load ListBox with MousePointer choices
ListBox1.ColumnCount = 2
ListBox1.AddItem "fmMousePointerDefault"
ListBox1.List(0, 1) = fmMousePointerDefault
ListBox1.AddItem "fmMousePointerArrow"
ListBox1.List(1, 1) = fmMousePointerArrow
ListBox1.AddItem "fmMousePointerCross"
ListBox1.List(2, 1) = fmMousePointerCross
ListBox1.AddItem "fmMousePointerIBeam"
ListBox1.List(3, 1) = fmMousePointerIBeam
ListBox1.AddItem "fmMousePointerSizeNESW"
ListBox1.List(4, 1) = fmMousePointerSizeNESW
ListBox1.AddItem "fmMousePointerSizeNS"
ListBox1.List(5, 1) = fmMousePointerSizeNS
ListBox1.AddItem "fmMousePointerSizeNWSE"
ListBox1.List(6, 1) = fmMousePointerSizeNWSE
ListBox1.AddItem "fmMousePointerSizeWE"
ListBox1.List(7, 1) = fmMousePointerSizeWE
ListBox1.AddItem "fmMousePointerUpArrow"
ListBox1.List(8, 1) = fmMousePointerUpArrow
ListBox1.AddItem "fmMousePointerHourglass"
ListBox1.List(9, 1) = fmMousePointerHourGlass
ListBox1.AddItem "fmMousePointerNoDrop"
ListBox1.List(10, 1) = fmMousePointerNoDrop
ListBox1.AddItem "fmMousePointerAppStarting"
ListBox1.List(11, 1) = fmMousePointerAppStarting
ListBox1.AddItem "fmMousePointerHelp"
ListBox1.List(12, 1) = fmMousePointerHelp
ListBox1.AddItem "fmMousePointerSizeAll"
ListBox1.List(13, 1) = fmMousePointerSizeAll
ListBox1.AddItem "fmMousePointerCustom"
ListBox1.List(14, 1) = fmMousePointerCustom
ListBox1.BoundColumn = 2
ListBox1.Value = fmMousePointerDefault
MsgBox "ListBox1.Value =" & ListBox1.Value & "."
CommandButton1.MousePointer = ListBox1.Value
End Sub