Tag Property

Applies To

CheckBox control, ComboBox control, CommandButton control, Image control, Label control, ListBox control, MultiPage control, OptionButton control, Page object, ScrollBar control, SpinButton control, Tab object, TabStrip control, TextBox control, ToggleButton control, UserForm object.


Stores additional information about an object.


object.Tag [= String]

The Tag property syntax has these parts:




Required. A valid object.


Optional. A string expression identifying the object. The default is a zero-length string (" ").


Use the Tag property to assign an identification string to an object without affecting other property settings or attributes.

For example, you can use Tag to check the identity of a form or control that is passed as a variable to a procedure.


The following example uses the Tag property to store additional information about each control on the UserForm. The user clicks a control and then clicks the CommandButton. The contents of Tag for the appropriate control are returned in the TextBox.

To use this example, copy this sample code to the Declarations portion of a form. Make sure that the form contains:

  • A TextBox named TextBox1.
  • A CommandButton named CommandButton1.
  • A ScrollBar named ScrollBar1.
  • A ComboBox named ComboBox1.
  • A MultiPage named MultiPage1.
    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
        TextBox1.Text = ActiveControl.Tag
    End Sub
    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
        TextBox1.Locked = True
        TextBox1.Tag = "Display area for Tag properties."
        TextBox1.AutoSize = True
        CommandButton1.Caption = "Show Tag of Current Control."
        CommandButton1.AutoSize = True
        CommandButton1.WordWrap = True
        CommandButton1.TakeFocusOnClick = False
        CommandButton1.Tag = "Shows tag of control that has the focus."
        ComboBox1.Style = fmStyleDropDownList
        ComboBox1.Tag = "ComboBox Style is that of a ListBox."
        ScrollBar1.Max = 100
        ScrollBar1.Min = -273
        ScrollBar1.Tag = "Max = " & ScrollBar1.Max & " , Min = " & _
    ScrollBar1.Min MultiPage1.Pages.Add MultiPage1.Pages.Add MultiPage1.Tag = "This MultiPage has " & MultiPage1.Pages.Count _
    & " pages." End Sub