CenterHeader Property

Applies To

PageSetup object.


Returns or sets the center part of the header in sections that support headers or footers (or both) and that are included in the binder at the time the header is set. Read/write String.


You can use special format codes in the header text.

See Also

HasBinderHeaderFooter property, LeftHeader property, RightHeader property.


This example prints the date and the time, in bold type, at the center of each page in every section of Binder1.obd that supports headers or footers (or both).

Set myBinder = GetObject("c:\Binder1.obd", "OfficeBinder.Binder")
With myBinder
For Each s In .Sections
    If s.SupportsBinderHeaderFooter Then
        .PageSetup.CenterHeader = "&B &D &T &B"
        s.HasBinderHeaderFooter = True
    End If
.Close SaveChanges:=True
End With