Item Property

Applies To

Sections collection object.


Returns a Section object from the Sections collection. Read-only.



expression Required. An expression that returns a Sections object.

Index Required Variant. The name or number of the section.


The Item property is the default property of the Sections collection. You can use Sections(index), where index represents the name or index number of the section, to return a single Section object. The index number represents the order in which the section is listed in the Binder pane. Sections(1) is the first document, and Sections(Sections.Count) is the last document.


This example displays the name of the third section in Binder1.obd.

Set myBinder = GetObject("C:\Binder1.obd", "OfficeBinder.Binder")
sectionName = myBinder.Sections.Item(3).Name
Set myBinder = Nothing
MsgBox sectionName