PrintWhat Property
Applies To
PageSetup object.
Returns or sets the sections of the specified binder that will be printed. Can be either of the following BindPageSetupPrintWhat constants: bindPageSetupSelectedSections or bindPageSetupVisibleSections. Read/write Variant.
See Also
PrintOut method, SelectedSectionNames property, SinglePrintJob property.
This example places the date and the time in the upper-left corner of each page in Binder1.obd, and it sets all the visible sections of the binder that support headers or footers (or both) to print.
Set myBinder = GetObject("C:\Binder1.obd", "OfficeBinder.Binder")
With myBinder
For Each s In .Sections
If s.SupportsBinderHeaderFooter Then
.PageSetup.LeftHeader = "&D &T"
.PageSetup.PrintWhat = bindPageSetupVisibleSections
s.HasBinderHeaderFooter = True
End If
.Close SaveChanges:=True
End With