Application Object


Represents the entire Microsoft Graph application. The Application object represents the top level of the object hierarchy and contains all of the objects, properties, and methods for the application.

Using the Application Object

Use the Application property to return the Application object. The following example applies the DataSheet property to the Application object.

myChart.Application.DataSheet.Range("A1").Value = 32

Application property, AutoCorrect property, CellDragAndDrop property, CommandBars property, Creator property, DataSheet property, DisplayAlerts property, HasLinks property, Height property, Left property, MoveAfterReturn property, Name property, Parent property, PlotBy property, ShowChartTipNames property, ShowChartTipValues property, Top property, Version property, Visible property, Width property, WindowState property.


AddChartAutoFormat method, Chart method, DeleteChartAutoFormat method, Evaluate method, FileImport method, Quit method, SaveAsOldFileFormat method, SetDefaultChart method, Update method.