Chart Object


Represents the specified Microsoft Graph chart.

Using the Chart Object

Use the Chart property to return a Chart object. Most of the time, you'll create a reference to a Microsoft Graph chart and then use the reference in your code.


Application property, Area3DGroup property, AutoScaling property, Bar3DGroup property, BarShape property, ChartArea property, ChartTitle property, ChartType property, Column3DGroup property, CommandBars property, Corners property, Creator property, DataTable property, DepthPercent property, DisplayBlanksAs property, Elevation property, Floor property, GapDepth property, HasAxis property, HasDataTable property, HasLegend property, HasTitle property, Height property, HeightPercent property, Left property, Legend property, Line3DGroup property, Name property, Parent property, Perspective property, Pie3DGroup property, PlotArea property, RightAngleAxes property, Rotation property, SurfaceGroup property, Top property, Walls property, WallsAndGridlines2D property, Width property.


Activate method, ApplyCustomType method, ApplyDataLabels method, AreaGroups method, Axes method, BarGroups method, ChartGroups method, ColumnGroups method, Deselect method, DoughnutGroups method, Export method, LineGroups method, PieGroups method, RadarGroups method, Refresh method, SeriesCollection method, XYGroups method.