Creator Property

Applies To

Application object, AutoCorrect object, Axes Collection object, Axis object, AxisTitle object, Border object, Chart object, ChartArea object, ChartColorFormat object, ChartFillFormat object, ChartGroup object, ChartGroups Collection object, ChartTitle object, Corners object, DataLabel object, DataLabels Collection object, DataSheet object, DataTable object, DownBars object, DropLines object, ErrorBars object, Floor object, Font object, Gridlines object, HiLoLines object, Interior object, LeaderLines object, Legend object, LegendEntries Collection object, LegendEntry object, LegendKey object, PlotArea object, Point object, Points Collection object, Range object, Series object, SeriesCollection Collection object, SeriesLines object, TickLabels object, Trendline object, Trendlines Collection object, UpBars object, Walls object.


Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in which this object was created. If the object was created in Microsoft Graph, this property returns the string MSGR, which is equivalent to the hexadecimal number 4D534752. Read-only Long.


The Creator property is designed to be used in Microsoft Graph for the Macintosh, where each application has a four-character creator code.

See Also

Application property.


This example displays a message about the creator of myChart.

If myChart.Creator = &h4D534752 Then
    MsgBox "This is a Microsoft Graph object"
    MsgBox "This is not a Microsoft Graph object"
End If