Top Property

Applies To

Application object, Axis object, AxisTitle object, Chart object, ChartArea object, ChartTitle object, DataLabel object, DataSheet object, Legend object, LegendEntry object, LegendKey object, PlotArea object.


Returns or sets the position of the specified object, in points. Read/write Long, except as shown in the following table.


The meaning of the Top property depends on the specified object.




The distance from the top edge of the screen to the top edge of the main Microsoft Graph window. In Windows, if the application window is minimized, this property controls the position of the window icon (anywhere on the screen). On the Macintosh, the value is always 0 (zero); setting the value to something else will have no effect.

Axis, AxisTitle, ChartArea, Chart, ChartTitle, DataLabel, DataSheet, Legend, LegendEntry, LegendKey, PlotArea

The distance from the top edge of the object to the top of row 1 (on a datasheet) or the top of the chart area (on a chart). Read-only for Axis, LegendEntry, and LegendKey.

See Also

Height property, Left property, Width property.


This example sets the position of the top of the chart title.

myChart.ChartTitle.Top = 10