C H A P T E R    6 Microsoft Office 97/Visual Basic Programmer's Guide

Microsoft PowerPoint Objects


This chapter discusses how to work with each of the primary objects in the Microsoft PowerPoint 97 object model: how to return it, what tasks you can use it to automate, and what lower­level objects you can access from it.

For general information about understanding and navigating Office object models, see Chapter 2, "Understanding Object Models." To view a graphical representation of the entire PowerPoint 97 object model, see "Microsoft PowerPoint Objects" in Help. For a detailed description of a specific object, click the name of that object on the diagram.

How Do I Display Visual Basic Help for PowerPoint?

To use Visual Basic Help for PowerPoint, you must click Custom during Setup and select the Online Help for Visual Basic check box for PowerPoint. Otherwise, Visual Basic Help won't be installed. If you've already installed PowerPoint, you can run Setup again to install Visual Basic Help.

To see the contents and index of Visual Basic Help for PowerPoint, click Contents and Index on the Help menu in the Visual Basic Editor. On the Contents tab in the Help Topics dialog box, double-click "Microsoft PowerPoint Visual Basic Reference," and then double-click "Shortcut to Microsoft PowerPoint Visual Basic Reference." The Help Topics dialog box should reappear, displaying the contents and index for Visual Basic Help for PowerPoint.

Working with the Application Object

When you start a PowerPoint session, you create an Application object. You use properties and methods of the Application object to control application­wide attributes and behaviors, to control the appearance of the application window, and to get to the rest of the PowerPoint object model.

Note   The following properties of the Application object can be used without the Application object qualifier: ActivePresentation, ActiveWindow, AddIns, Assistant, CommandBars, Presentations, SlideShowWindows, and Windows. All other properties and methods must have the object qualifier. For example, both of the following lines of code are valid.


However, you cannot omit the object qualifier from the following line.


Returning the Application Object

From code running in PowerPoint, you can use the Application keyword alone to return the PowerPoint Application object. The following example sets the left position for the application window.

Application.Left = 30

If you set an object variable to the Application object, declare it as PowerPoint.Application. The following example sets an object variable to the PowerPoint Application object.

Dim appPPT As PowerPoint.Application
Set appPPT = Application

You can also use the Application property of any PowerPoint object to return the PowerPoint Application object. This is useful for returning the PowerPoint Application object from a PowerPoint presentation embedded in a document created in another application. The following example, when run from Microsoft Excel, sets an object variable to the PowerPoint Application object. Shape one on worksheet one must be an embedded PowerPoint presentation.

Dim appPPT As PowerPoint.Application
Set embeddedPres = Worksheets(1).Shapes(1)
Set appPPT = embeddedPres.OLEFormat.Object.Object.Application

Controlling the Appearance of the Application Window

You can use properties and methods of the Application object to control the appearance of the application window. The following table shows which properties and methods control which aspects of the application window's appearance.

To do thisUse this property or method
Activate the PowerPoint application window Activate method
Check to see whether the PowerPoint application window is active Active property
Set or return text that appears in the title bar of the PowerPoint application window Caption property
Set or return the size and position of the PowerPoint application window on the screen Height, Left, Top, and Width properties
Set or return a value that controls whether the application window is visible. You must set this property to True when you create a PowerPoint Application object in another application if you want to be able to see PowerPoint on your screen. Visible property
Set or return a value that controls whether the PowerPoint application window is maximized, minimized, or floating. WindowState property

Note that most of these properties and methods can also be applied to the DocumentWindow object to control the appearance of the document window.

Controlling Application­Wide Attributes and Behavior

You can use other properties and methods of the Application object to control application­wide settings or behaviors, as shown in the following table.

To do thisUse this property or method
Return the name of the active printer ActivePrinter property
Return the PowerPoint build number Build property
Display a Help topic Help method
Return the name of the operating system OperatingSystem property
Return the path to the PowerPoint application. Path property
Quit PowerPointQuit method
Run a Visual Basic procedure Run method
Return the PowerPoint version number Version property

Getting to Presentations, Document Windows, and Slide Show Windows

The properties of the Application object that you'll probably use most provide access to objects that represent presentations, document windows, slide show windows, and add­ins. Use the Presentations property of the Application object to return any open presentation, or use the ActivePresentation property to return the active presentation. Use the AddIns property to return any available add­in (an add­in is a special type of presentation you use to assemble and distribute custom features). Use the Windows property of the Application object to return any open document window, or use the ActiveWindow property to return the active document window. Use the SlideShowWindows property to return an open slide show window.

Getting to Shared Office Object Models

Other properties of the Application object provide access to objects that represent shared Office features, such as menus and toolbars, file searching, the Visual Basic Editor, and the Office Assistant. For more information about these properties, see "Application Object" in Help.

You can use other properties of the Application object to control application­wide settings and behavior, as shown in the following table.

To return a reference to Use this property
Office AssistantAssistant property
PowerPoint menus and toolbars CommandBars property
File searchFileSearch property (FileFind property on the MacIntosh)
Visual Basic Editor VBE property

Working with the Presentation Object

When you open or create a file in PowerPoint, you create a Presentation object. (You may notice that many properties and methods of the Presentation object correspond to items on the File menu.) You use properties and methods of the Presentation object or its collection to open, create, save, and close files; to control presentation­wide attributes and behavior; and to get to slides and masters in the presentation.

Returning the Presentation Object

Use the ActivePresentation property to return the presentation that's displayed in the active window. The following example saves the active presentation.


You can return any open presentation by using the syntax Presentations(index), where index is the presentation's name or index number. The following example adds a slide to the beginning of Sample Presentation.

Presentations("Sample Presentation").Slides.Add 1, 1

Use the Presentation property to return the presentation that's currently displayed in the specified document window or slide show window. The following example displays the name of the slide show that's running in slide show window one.

MsgBox SlideShowWindows(1).Presentation.Name

To return a Presentation object that represents an embedded presentation, use the Object property of the OLEFormat object for the shape that contains the embedded presentation. The following example sets an object variable to the embedded presentation in shape three on slide one in the active presentation.

Dim embeddedPres As Presentation
Set embeddedPres = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(3).OLEFormat.Object

Opening an Existing Presentation

To open an existing presentation, use the Open method. This method always applies to the Presentations collection, which you return by using the Presentations property. The following example opens the file Pres1.ppt and then displays the presentation in slide sorter view.

Dim myPres As Presentation
Set myPres = Presentations.Open(FileName:="c:\My documents\pres1.ppt")
myPres.Windows(1).ViewType = ppViewSlideSorter

Notice that the return value of the Open method is a Presentation object that refers to the presentation that was just opened.

Tip   The file name in this example contains a path. If you don't include a path, the file is assumed to be in the current folder. Not including the path in the file name may cause a run­time error, because as soon as the user makes a different folder the current folder, Visual Basic can no longer find the file.

Creating a New Presentation

To create a new presentation, apply the Add method to the Presentations collection. The following example creates a new presentation.


The Add method returns the presentation that's just been created. When you add a presentation, you can set an object variable to the returned presentation so that you can refer to the new presentation in your code. The following example creates a new presentation and adds a slide to it.

Dim myPres As Presentation
Set myPres = Presentations.Add
myPres.Slides.Add 1, ppLayoutTitle

Another way to make it easy to refer to the presentation later in your code is to assign a meaningful name to the presentation as you add it. Use the SaveAs method to assign a name to a presentation. (The Name property of the Presentation object is read­only, so you cannot use it to set the presentation's name.) The following example creates a new presentation and immediately saves it under the name "Sales Report.ppt." The new name is then used to index the presentation within the Presentations collection and add a slide to it.

Presentations.Add.SaveAs "Sales Report"
Presentations("Sales Report").Slides.Add 1, ppLayoutTitle

Importing a Presentation from a Word Outline

To create a presentation from a Word outline, use the PresentIt method of the Word Document object. The following example, run from Word, exports Presentation Outline.doc as a presentation.

Document.Open("C:\Presentation Outline.doc")PresentIt

Activating a Presentation

There's no Activate method for the Presentation object. To activate a PowerPoint presentation, activate one of the document windows in which the presentation appears. The following example activates the first document window in which the Sales Report presentation appears.

Presentations("Sales Report").Windows(1).Activate

Controlling Slide Numbering, Size, and Orientation in a Presentation

Use the PageSetup property of the Presentation object to return the PageSetup object. This object contains settings for slide and notes page orientation, slide size and orientation, and slide numbering. The following example sets all slides in the active presentation to be 11 inches wide and 8.5 inches high and sets the slide numbering for the presentation to start at 17.

With ActivePresentation.PageSetup
    .SlideWidth = 11 * 72
    .SlideHeight = 8.5 * 72
    .FirstSlideNumber = 17
End With

Note that the values you specify for some of the properties of the PageSetup object can automatically set values for other properties in a common­sense way that mimics behavior in the Page Setup dialog box (File menu) in the user interface. For example, setting the SlideOrientation property will switch the values of the SlideHeight and SlideWidth properties, if appropriate. By the same token, explicitly setting the SlideWidth and SlideHeight properties automatically sets SlideSize to ppSlideSizeCustom and sets the SlideOrientation property to the appropriate value (based on whichever is greater — slide width or height).

Getting a Consistent Look Throughout a Presentation

You can use templates and masters to ensure a consistent look throughout your presentation. Use the ApplyTemplate method of the Presentation object to apply a design template to the presentation.

ActivePresentation.ApplyTemplate "c:\templates\presentation designs\meadow.pot"

Note   The available color schemes change when you apply a template. If you've added a standard color scheme to the presentation, it will be lost when the ApplyTemplate method is applied.

Use the HandoutMaster, NotesMaster, SlideMaster, or TitleMaster property of the Presentation object to return a Master object that represents a slide, notes, or handout master. You can apply a background fill or color scheme to a master, add background graphics or ActiveX controls to a master, or format the text styles and layout of a master when you want to apply changes to all slides based on that master rather than applying them to one slide at a time. The following example sets the background fill for the slide master for the active presentation.

ActivePresentation.SlideMaster.Background.Fill.PresetGradient _
    msoGradientHorizontal, 1, msoGradientBrass

If you want a specific shape, such as a picture or an ActiveX control, to show up on all slides in a presentation, add it to the master. An ActiveX control on the master will respond to events during a slide show whenever you click the control, on any slide where it appears.

To make uniform changes to the text formatting in a presentation, use the TextStyles property of the Master object to return the TextStyles collection., This collection contains three TextStyle objects that represent the following: the style for title text, the style for body text, and the style for default text (text in AutoShapes). Each TextStyle object contains a TextFrame object that describes how text is placed within the text­bounding box and a Ruler object that contains tab stops and outline­indent formatting information. Use the Levels property of the TextStyle object to return the TextStyleLevels collection. This collection contains outline text formatting information for the five available outline levels (for title text and default text, always use level one). The following example sets the font name, the font size, and the space after paragraphs for level­one body text on all the slides in the active presentation that are based on the master.

With ActivePresentation.SlideMaster.TextStyles(ppBodyStyle).Levels(1)
    With .Font
        .Name = "Arial"
        .Size = 36
    End With
    With .ParagraphFormat
        .LineRuleAfter = False
        .SpaceAfter = 6
    End With
End With

Note   You can set the title and body text styles to different values for each master. The default text style doesn't apply to each individual master but rather to the entire presentation.

Printing a Presentation

Use the PrintOut method of the Presentation object to print a presentation, as shown in the following example.


To set print options before printing, use the properties and methods of the PrintOptions object. Use the PrintOptions property of the Presentation object to return the PrintOptions object. The following example prints three collated copies of the active presentation.

With ActivePresentation.PrintOptions
    .NumberOfCopies = 3
    .Collate = True
End With

Note that the Parent property of the PrintOption object used in the preceding example returns the Presentation object.

Saving a Presentation

When you save a new presentation for the first time, or when you want to save an existing presentation under a new name, use the SaveAs method. The following example creates a new presentation, adds a slide to it, and saves it under the name "Sample."

With Presentations.Add
    .Slides.Add 1, ppLayoutTitle
    .SaveAs "Sample"
End With

For subsequent saves, use the Save method. The following example saves the active presentation.


Closing a Presentation

To close a presentation, use the Close method of the Presentation object. If there are changes in any presentation, PowerPoint displays a message asking whether you want to save changes. The following example closes Pres1.ppt.


If you want to close a presentation without saving changes, set the Saved property to True before closing the presentation, as shown in the following example.

With Application.Presentations("pres1.ppt")
    .Saved = True
End With

Setting Up and Running a Slide Show

Use the SlideShowSettings property of the Presentation object to return the SlideShowSettings object, which lets you set up and run the slide show for the presentation. The following example sets the slide show in the active presentation to start on slide two and end on slide four, to advance slides by using the timings set in the first section, and to run in a continuous loop until you press ESC. Finally, the example runs the slide show.

With ActivePresentation.SlideShowSettings
    .StartingSlide = 2
    .EndingSlide = 4
    .RangeType = ppShowSlideRange
    .AdvanceMode = ppSlideShowUseSlideTimings
    .LoopUntilStopped = True
End With

Getting to the Slides in a Presentation

Use the Slides property of the Presentation object to get to the individual slides in a presentation and, from there, to the graphics and text on the slides. The following section discusses in detail how to work with slides.

Working with the Slide, SlideRange, and Slides Objects

There are three different objects in the PowerPoint object model that represent slides: the Slides collection, which represents all the slides in a presentation; the SlideRange collection, which represents a subset of the slides in a presentation; and the Slide object, which represents an individual slide. In general, you use the Slides collection to create slides and when you want to iterate through all the slides in a presentation; you use the Slide object when you want to format or work with a single slide; and you use the SlideRange collection when you want to format or work with multiple slides the same way you work with multiple slides in the user interface.

Returning the Slides Collection

To return the entire collection of slides in a presentation, use the Slides property. The following example inserts slides from the Clipboard at the end of the active presentation.


Returning the Slide Object

Use the Item method of the Slides collection to return a single Slide object that you specify by name or index number (because the Item method is the default method, you can omit it from your code). The following example copies the third slide in the active presentation to the Clipboard.


Because the index number of a particular slide can change when you add, delete, or reorder slides, you may find it more reliable to use the FindBySlideID property to specify a slide by its slide ID number, a unique identifier that's assigned to a slide when it's added to a presentation and that doesn't change if you change the order of the slides (if you copy the slide into another presentation, it's assigned a new ID number). The following example copies the slide with the ID number 256 to the Clipboard.


Use the SlideID property of the Slide object to get the slide's ID number. The following example adds a slide to the active presentation and sets a variable to the slide ID number for the new slide.

Dim newSlideID As Long
newSlideID = ActivePresentation.Slides.Add(1, ppLayoutTitleOnly).SlideID

To return the slide that's currently displayed in the specified document window or slide show window view, use the Slide property of the View object for the window. The following example copies the slide that's currently displayed in window two to the Clipboard.


To return a slide within the selection, use Selection.SlideRange(index), where index is the slide's name or index number. The following example sets the layout for slide one in the selection in the active window, assuming that the selection contains at least one slide.

ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange(1).Layout = ppLayoutTitle

Returning the SlideRange Object

Use Slides.Range(index), where index is either the slide's name or index number or an array of slide index names or slide index numbers, to return a SlideRange object from the Slides collection. The following example sets the background fill for slides one and three in the active presentation.

With ActivePresentation.Slides.Range(Array(1, 3))
    .FollowMasterBackground = False
    .Background.Fill.PresetGradient msoGradientHorizontal, 1, msoGradientLateSunset
End With

Adding a Slide

Use the Add method of the Slides collection to create a new slide and add it to the presentation. The following example adds a title slide to the beginning of the active presentation.

ActivePresentation.Slides.Add 1, ppLayoutTitleOnly

Inserting Slides from a Word Outline

To insert slides based on a Word outline, use the InsertFromFile method. The following example inserts the outline in Presentation Outline.doc as slides after slide three in the active presentation.

ActivePresentation.Slides.InsertFromFile FileName:="C:\Presentation Outline.doc", Index:=3

Setting the Slide Background and Color Scheme

If you want to set the background fill or color scheme for all the slides in a presentation, use the Background or ColorScheme property of the Master object, as discussed in the section "Getting a Consistent Look Throughout a Presentation" earlier in this chapter. If, however, you want to set the background fill or color scheme for a particular slide or set of slides, use the Background or ColorScheme property of the Slide or SlideRange object.

To set the background fill for a slide or a set of slides, use the Background property of the Slide or SlideRange object to return the SlideRange object that represents the slide background, and use the Fill property to return the FillFormat object that represents the background fill. You can then use the properties and methods of the FillFormat object to set properties for the fill. The following example sets a gradient fill for the background for slide one in the active presentation.

With ActivePresentation.Slides(1)
    .FollowMasterBackground = False
    .Background.Fill.PresetGradient msoGradientHorizontal, 1, msoGradientDaybreak
End With

Note   To set the background for a slide independently of the slide master background, set the FollowMasterBackground property for the slide to False.

To set the color scheme for a slide or a set of slides, use the ColorScheme property of the Slide or SlideRange object to return the ColorScheme object that represents the color scheme. You can then set the ColorScheme object for the slide to another ColorScheme object, or you can use the Colors method to edit individual colors in the scheme. The following example sets the color scheme for slide one in the active presentation to the third standard color scheme (as counted from left to right and from top to bottom on the Standard tab in the Color Scheme dialog box).

With ActivePresentation
    .Slides(1).ColorScheme = .ColorSchemes(3)
End With

The following example uses the Colors method to access the title color in the color scheme for the active presentation and then uses the RGB property to access the red­green­blue (RGB) value for that color and set it to the RGB value for green that the RGB function generates.

ActivePresentation.Slides(1).ColorScheme.Colors(ppTitle).RGB = RGB(0, 255, 0)

Note   The set of available color schemes changes when you apply a template. If you've added a standard color scheme to a presentation, this color scheme will be lost when the ApplyTemplate method is applied.

Choosing the Slide Layout

When you add a slide to a presentation, you specify what layout it should have by using the Layout argument of the Add method. The following example adds a slide that contains only a title placeholder to the beginning of the active presentation.

ActivePresentation.Slides.Add 1, ppLayoutTitleOnly

You can check or change the layout of an existing slide by using the Layout property. The following example changes the layout of slide one in the active presentation to include a title placeholder, a text placeholder, and a chart placeholder.

ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Layout = ppLayoutTextAndChart

Note   When you switch slide layouts, any placeholders that contain text or an object remain on the slide, although they may have been repositioned at the time of the switch.

Adding Objects to a Slide

You add objects (such as AutoShapes, OLE objects, and pictures) to a slide by using one of the methods of the Shapes collection. You return the Shapes collection, which represents the entire drawing layer for a slide, using the Shapes property of the Slide object. For information about how to create and format objects on slides, see Chapter 10, "Shapes and the Drawing Layer." For information about controlling how an object on a slide behaves during a slide show, see "Controlling How Objects Behave During a Slide Show" later in this chapter.

Changing Slide Order

To change a slide's position in the presentation, cut the slide and then paste it in its new position. The following example moves slide four in the active presentation and makes it slide six. For this example to work, there must be at least six slides in the presentation.

With ActivePresentation.Slides
    .Paste 6
End With

Setting Slide Transition Effects

The properties that control the transition effects for a slide are stored in the SlideShowTransition object, which you return by using the SlideShowTransition property of the Slide or SlideRange object. The following example specifies a Fast Strips Down­Left transition accompanied by the Bass.wav sound for slide one in the active presentation. The example also specifies that the slide advance automatically five seconds after the previous animation or slide transition.

With ActivePresentation.Slides(1).SlideShowTransition
    .Speed = ppTransitionSpeedFast
    .EntryEffect = ppEffectStripsDownLeft
    .SoundEffect.ImportFromFile "c:\sndsys\bass.wav"
    .AdvanceOnTime = True
    .AdvanceTime = 5
End With
ActivePresentation.SlideShowSettings.AdvanceMode = _

Note   For the timings you set for your slide transition to take effect, the AdvanceMode property of the SlideShowSettings object must be set to ppSlideShowUseSlideTimings.

Getting to the Speaker's Notes on the Notes Page for a Slide

To gain access to the text in the notes area on the notes page for a slide, use the NotesPage property to return a SlideRange collection that represents the specified notes page. The following example inserts text into placeholder two (the notes area) on the notes page for slide one in the active presentation. (If you've removed the slide image from the notes page, use Placeholders(1) to return the notes area.)

ActivePresentation.Slides(1).NotesPage.Shapes.Placeholders(2) _
    .TextFrame.TextRange.InsertAfter "Added Text"

Working with the Selection Object

The Selection object in PowerPoint represents the selection in a document window. You use methods of the Selection object to cut, copy, delete, or unselect the selection. You use the Type property of the Selection object to figure out what type of content is selected (slides, shapes, text, or nothing at all), and you use the ShapeRange, SlideRange, and TextRange properties to return only a certain type of selected object.

Note   Selection­based code is inefficient and is usually unnecessary. For example, you can change the font properties of a text range directly without having to select the text. If you rely on the macro recorder to supply code for you, you should rewrite the code it generates to be selection­independent wherever possible.

Making a Selection

You can create a selection either manually or by applying the Select method to the Shape, ShapeRange, Slide, SlideRange, or TextRange object. The following example selects shapes one and three on slide one in the active presentation.

ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes.Range(Array(1, 3)).Select

Note   You can make a given selection programmatically only if you can make that same selection manually in the active document window. For example, if slide two is showing in the active document window, you cannot select shapes on slide one. Similarly, you cannot make a selection that's inappropriate to the current view in the active document window. For example, if the active document window is in slide sorter view, you cannot select a shape or text range on an individual slide.

Returning the Selection Object

Use the Selection property of the DocumentWindow object to return the selection. The following example cuts the selection in the active window.


Returning Shapes, Text, or Slides in a Selection

Use the ShapeRange property of the Selection object to return the ShapeRange collection that includes all the shapes in the selection. Use the Item method of the returned ShapeRange object to return a single selected shape. The following example cuts the third shape in the selection in the active window.


Returning Selected Text

If only text is selected, use the TextRange property of the Selection object to return a TextRange object that represents the selected text. The following example applies bold formatting to the first three characters in the selected text in the active window.

ActiveWindow.Selection.TextRange.Characters(1, 3).Font.Bold = True

To get to the text in a selected shape, do the following: return the shape, use the TextFrame property to return the text area in the shape, and then use the TextRange property of the text frame to return the text in the shape. The following example applies bold formatting to the first three characters in the third shape in the selection in the active window

ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(3).TextFrame.TextRange _
    .Characters(1, 3).Font.Bold = True

Returning Selected Slides

Use the SlideRange property of the Selection object to return a SlideRange collection that includes all the selected slides. The following example cuts the selected slides in the active window.


Working with the View and SlideShowView Objects

When you open a file in PowerPoint, you simultaneously create a Presentation object, which represents the contents of the file; a DocumentWindow object, which represents the interface between the user and the file in design mode; and the View object, which represents a container for the contents of the file in design mode.

When you start a slide show, you create a SlideShowWindow object, which represents the interface between the user and the file in run mode, and a SlideShowView object, which represents a container for the contents of the file in run mode.

Understanding Presentations, Windows, and Views

When you're running PowerPoint and you make changes to what you see on the screen, you may be making changes to the Presentation object, the DocumentWindow object, or the View object.

  • Changes made to the actual contents of slides — such as by adding, deleting, or formatting objects — are changes to the presentation and are controlled by properties and methods of the Presentation object and the objects below the Presentation object in the object hierarchy.

  • Changes made to the interface that displays the contents — such as by changing the size of the window or switching black­and­white display on or off — are changes to the document window or slide show window and are controlled by properties and methods of the DocumentWindow or SlideShowWindow object. These changes don't affect the contents of the file. Changes to the document window are retained when you switch document views.

  • Changes made to what information is displayed to you — such as whether you see text and graphics or only graphics, and how big the elements look on the screen — are changes to the view and are controlled by properties and methods of the View or SlideShowView objects. These changes don't affect the contents of the file, and they aren't retained when you switch views.

Returning the View and SlideShowView Objects

The View object represents the way information is displayed in a document window. Use the View property of the DocumentWindow object to return a View object. The following example sets the document window to automatically adjust (zoom) to fit the dimensions of the application window.

Windows(1).View.ZoomToFit = True

The SlideShowView object represents the way information is displayed in the slide show window. Use the View property of the SlideShowWindow object to return a SlideShowView object. The following example runs a slide show of the active presentation with shortcut keys disabled (the Run method of the SlideShowSettings object returns a SlideShowWindow object).

ActivePresentation.SlideShowSettings.Run.View.AcceleratorsEnabled = False

The following example sets the pointer color and pointer shape for the second slide show that's currently running. (There can be only one running slide show window per presentation, but there can be multiple presentations running slide shows at the same time.)

With SlideShowWindows(2).View
    .PointerColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
    .PointerType = ppSlideShowPointerPen
End With

Navigating in a Slide Show in a Document Window View or Slide Show Window View

Use the GotoSlide method of the View or SlideShowView object to make a specific slide the active slide. The following example makes slide three in the presentation in document window one the active slide in the window.

Windows(1).View.GotoSlide 3

Note that depending on what document view you're in, the term "active slide" has slightly different meanings. In slide view or note view, the active slide is the one that's currently displayed in the window. In outline view or slide sorter view, the active slide is the selected slide.

The following example advances the presentation in slide show window one to the third slide.

SlideShowWindows(1).View.GotoSlide 3

You can also go to the first slide in a slide show by using the First method or to the last slide by using the Last method, or you can go to a custom slide show by using the GotoNamedShow method. For more information about these methods, see the topics for them in Help.

Pasting Clipboard Contents into a Document Window View

Use the Paste method to paste the contents of the Clipboard into the active document window view. The following example copies the selection in window one to the Clipboard and then copies it into the view in window two. If the Clipboard contents cannot be pasted into the view in window two — for example, if you try to paste a shape into slide sorter view — this example fails.


The following table shows what you can paste into each view.

Into this view You can paste the following from the Clipboard
Slide view or notes page view Shapes, text, or entire slides.

Pasted shapes will be added to the top of the z-order and won't replace selected shapes.

If one shape is selected, pasted text will be appended to the shape's text; if text is selected, pasted text will replace the selection; if anything else is selected, pasted text will be placed in it's own text frame.

If you paste a slide from the Clipboard, an image of the slide will be inserted onto the slide, master, or notes page as an embedded object.

Outline viewText or entire slides.

A pasted slide will be inserted before the slide that contains the insertion point.

You cannot paste shapes into outline view.

Slide sorter viewEntire slides.

A pasted slide will be inserted at the insertion point or after the last slide in the selection.

You cannot paste shapes or text into slide sorter view.

For information about setting the view for a window before pasting the Clipboard contents into it, see the following section.

Setting or Checking the View Type in a Document Window

Use the Type property of the View object to see what the active document view is, and use the ViewType property of the DocumentWindow object to set the active document view. The following example copies the selection in window one to the Clipboard, makes sure that window one is in slide view, and then copies the Clipboard contents into the view in window two.

With Windows(2)
    .ViewType = ppViewSlide
End With

Returning the Slide That's Currently Showing in a Document Window View or Slide Show Window View

Use the Slide property to return the Slide object that represents the slide that's currently displayed in the specified slide show window view or document window view. The following example places on the Clipboard a copy of the slide that's currently displayed in slide show window one.


Tip   If the currently displayed slide is from an embedded presentation, you can use the Parent property of the Slide object returned by the Slide property to return the embedded presentation that contains the slide. (The Presentation property of the SlideShowWindow object or DocumentWindowobject returns the presentation in which the window was created, not the embedded presentation.)

Controlling How Objects Behave During a Slide Show

The entire drawing layer on a slide is represented by the Shapes collection, and each object on a slide — whether it's a placeholder, AutoShape, or OLE object — is represented by a Shape object. Using properties and methods of the Shapes collection, you can add objects to slides and gain access to the individual objects on a slide. Using properties and methods of the Shape object, you cancontrol the shape's appearance, the text or OLE object it can contain, and the way it behaves during a slide show. This section discusses the properties and methods that control how a shape behaves during a slide show. For information about the properties and methods that control other attributes and behavior of shapes, see Chapter 10, "Shapes and the Drawing Layer."

Controlling How a Shape Becomes Animated During a Slide Show

The AnimationSettings object contains properties and methods that control how and when a shape appears on a specific slide during a slide show. The following example sets shape two on slide one in the active presentation to become animated automatically after five seconds.

With ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(2).AnimationSettings
    .AdvanceMode = ppAdvanceOnTime
    .AdvanceTime = 5
    .TextLevelEffect = ppAnimateByAllLevels
    .Animate = True
End With

When you work with the properties of the AnimationSettings object, it's important to keep in mind how individual properties work with each other and with the AdvanceMode property of the SlideShowSettings object.

You won't see the effects of setting any properties of the AnimationSettings object unless the specified shape is animated — that is, if the shape doesn't appear on the slide when the slide is initially displayed during a slide show but appears later. For a shape to be animated, the TextLevelEffect property must be set to something other than ppAnimateLevelNone and the Animate property must be set to True.

To put into effect animation timings, which determine when the shape will appear on the slide during a slide show, you must not only assign a number of seconds to the AdvanceTime property, but you must also set the AdvanceMode property of the SlideShowSettings object to ppAdvanceOnTime and set the AdvanceMode property to ppSlideShowUseSlideTimings.

You can use the AfterEffect property to specify what happens to a shape after it becomes animated. Obviously, unless a shape gets animated and at least one other shape on the slide gets animated after it, you won't see any of the aftereffects you set for the shape. Additionally, unless the AfterEffect property is set to ppAfterEffectDim, you won't see the effect of the DimColor property setting.

Controlling How a Shape Responds to Mouse Actions During a Slide Show

The ActionSettings collection for a shape contains two ActionSetting objects — one that contains properties and methods that control how a shape responds when it's clicked during a slide show (corresponds to the settings on the Mouse Click tab in the Action Settings dialog box), and another that contains properties and methods that control how a shape responds when the mouse pointer passes over it during a slide show (corresponds to the settings on the Mouse Over tab in the Action Settings dialog box). The following example specifies that when shape three on slide one in the active presentation is clicked during a slide show, the shape's color is momentarily inverted, the Applause sound plays, and the slide show returns to the first slide.

With ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(3).ActionSettings(ppMouseClick)
    .Action = ppActionFirstSlide
    .SoundEffect.Name = "applause"
    .AnimateAction = True
End With

Note that different action settings are available for different types of shapes (for example, you can use the ActionVerb property only for OLE objects). Thus, for any given shape, you should use only properties that correspond to the settings available in the user interface when the shape is selected.

If you set a property of the ActionSetting object but don't see the changes you made reflected in the slide show, make sure that you've set the correct value for the Action property, as shown in the following table.

If you use this property To do this Set the Action property to this value to put the change into effect
Hyperlink Set properties for the hyperlink that will be followed in response to a mouse action on the shape during a slide show ppActionHyperlink
Run Return or set the name of the program to run in response to a mouse action on the shape during a slide show ppActionRunProgram
Run Return or set the name of the macro to be run in response to a mouse action on the shape during a slide show ppActionRunMacro
ActionVerb Set the OLE verb that will be invoked in response to a mouse action on the shape during a slide show ppActionOLEVerb
SlideShowName Set the name of the custom slide show that will be run in response to a mouse action on the shape during a slide show ppActionNamedSlideShow

Controlling How a Media Clip Plays During a Slide Show

The PlaySettings object, which you return by using the PlaySettings property of the AnimationSettings object, contains properties and methods that control how and when a media clip plays during a slide show. The following example inserts a movie named "Clock.avi" into slide one in the active presentation, sets it to play automatically after the previous animation or slide transition, specifies that the slide show continue while the movie plays, and specifies that the movie object be hidden during a slide show except when it's playing.

Set clockMovie = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes.AddMediaObject _
    (FileName:="C:\WINNT\clock.avi", Left:=20, Top:=20)
With clockMovie.AnimationSettings.PlaySettings
    .PlayOnEntry = True
    .PauseAnimation = False
    .HideWhileNotPlaying = True
End With

Depending on whether you inserted the media clip as an OLE object (using the Object command on the Insert menu, or using the AddOLEObject method) or as a native media object (using the Movies and Sounds menu or the AddMediaObject method), different properties of the PlaySettings object will apply to the clip. This mimics the way different options are available for native media objects and OLE objects on the Play Settings tab in the Custom Animation dialog box (Slide Show menu).

The preferred way to insert media clips is as native media objects, because native movies and sounds don't require the use of the Windows Media Player and therefore respond faster when they're clicked or activated. Most of the properties of the PlaySettings object apply only to native media clips. The ActionVerb property, which corresponds to the options listed in the Object box on the PlaySettings tab in the Custom Animation dialog box, is the only property of the PlaySettings object that doesn't apply to native media objects.

To determine whether a particular media clip is a native media object, check to see whether the value of the Type property of the Shape object that contains the clip is msoMedia. Use the MediaType property of the Shape object to determine whether the clip is a sound or a movie. The following example sets all native sound objects on slide one in the active presentation to loop during a slide show until they're manually stopped.

Dim so As Shape
For Each so In ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes
    If so.Type = msoMedia Then
        If so.MediaType = ppMediaTypeSound Then
            so.AnimationSettings.PlaySettings.LoopUntilStopped = True
        End If
    End If