MDAC 2.5 SDK - OLE DB Providers
OLE DB Provider for ODBC


Supported Interfaces

The ODBC Provider supports the following standard OLE DB interfaces, as well as the nonstandard interfaces ISQLRequestDiagFields and ISQLGetDiagFields. For implementation details and known limitations, see the "Interface Implementation Notes" and "Known Limitations" sections in this Help file.

IAccessor IMultipleResults
IColumnsInfo IOpenRowset
IColumnsRowset IPersistFile (on data source object only)
ICommand IRowset
ICommandPrepare IRowsetChange
ICommandProperties IRowsetIdentity
ICommandText IRowsetInfo
ICommandWithParameters IRowsetLocate
IConnectionPoint IRowsetResynch
IConnectionPointContainer IRowsetScroll
IConvertType IRowsetUpdate
IDBCreateCommand ISessionProperties
IDBCreateSession ISourcesRowset
IDBInfo ISupportErrorInfo
IDBInitialize ITransaction
IDBProperties ITransactionJoin
IDBSchemaRowset ITransactionLocal
IErrorLookup ITransactionOptions