MDAC 2.5 SDK - OLE DB Programmer's Reference


The OLE DB Programmer's Reference

The OLE DB Programmer's Reference is divided into the following parts:

The OLE DB glossary defines terms you will need to understand to work with OLE DB.

Links to related information are included for easier navigation, as well as new interfaces, data types, schema rowsets, and properties.

Working with the OLE DB Documentation

This documentation assumes the following:

In addition, a general knowledge of databases and SQL is helpful.

The code examples in this documentation are designed for illustration purposes only. Because they are written primarily to demonstrate OLE DB principles, efficiency has sometimes been set aside in the interest of clarity. In addition, whole sections of code have sometimes been omitted for clarity. These include the definitions of non–OLE DB functions and most error handling.

The following typographic conventions are used.

Format Used for
DBPROPFLAGS Uppercase letters indicate certain values, property names, SQL statements, and macro names.
#include <oledb.h> Monospace font is used for sample command lines and program code.
argument Italicized words indicate programmatic arguments, information that the user or the application must provide, or word emphasis.
IRowset Bold type indicates that syntax must be typed exactly as shown, including interface and method names.