MDAC 2.5 SDK - OLE DB Testing


Conformance Testing ADO Applications

The ADO tests are located in InstallDirectory\Conformance\Tests\Proposed\ADOTests.

The test .dll and .reg files are in the \ADOTests subdirectory. The source is in the \SRC subdirectory, in case you need to rebuild the tests.

ADOPriv.dll is in the \Tools subdirectory. (This is the wrapper for the PrivLib used by the ADO tests for common functionality.)

To run ADO conformance tests

  1. Register the ADO tests by executing regsvr32 on each of the ADO test .dll files. For example: regsvr32 adolvl0.dll

  2. Execute each of the .reg files. For example: adolvl0.reg.

  3. If you haven't already done so, create an .ini file using the TableDump utility found in the \Tools subdirectory.

  4. Start Local Test Manager (LTM) by opening LTM.exe. When LTM is running, set up a provider alias by adding a new provider (specifying the initialization string.)

  5. Click the test module, click the provider you added, and then click Run.

Test modules and LTM are set up so that you can run a test module, a test case, or a test variation.

Click the plus sign next to the test module to expose the cases in that module. Click the plus sign next to a test case to expose the variations in that case.

Each variation tests a single test scenario. Each variation will return pass or failure. In many cases, the variation also will return the expected HRESULT and the actual HRESULT received.