MDAC 2.5 SDK - OLE DB Programmer's Reference
Appendix C: OLE DB Properties

Property group: Data Source Information
Type: VT_I4
Typical R/W: R
Description: GROUP BY Support
Indicates the relationship between the columns in a GROUP BY clause and the nonaggregated columns in the select list. One of the following:
- DBPROPVAL_GB_EQUALS_SELECT—The GROUP BY clause must contain all nonaggregated columns in the select list. It cannot contain any other columns—for example, SELECT DEPT, MAX(SALARY) FROM EMPLOYEE GROUP BY DEPT.
- DBPROPVAL_GB_COLLATE—A COLLATE clause can be specified at the end of each grouping column.
- DBPROPVAL_GB_CONTAINS_SELECT—The GROUP BY clause must contain all nonaggregated columns in the select list. It can contain columns that are not in the select list—for example, SELECT DEPT, MAX(SALARY) FROM EMPLOYEE GROUP BY DEPT, AGE.
- DBPROPVAL_GB_NO_RELATION—The columns in the GROUP BY clause and the select list are not related. The meaning of nongrouped, nonaggregated columns in the select list is data source object–dependent—for example, SELECT DEPT, SALARY FROM EMPLOYEE GROUP BY DEPT, AGE.