MDAC 2.5 SDK - OLE DB Programmer's Reference
Appendix C: OLE DB Properties



Property group: Rowset


Column? N


Typical R/W: R/W

Description: Others' Changes Visible

Value Meaning
VARIANT_TRUE The rowset can see updates and deletes made by someone other than a consumer of the rowset. For example, suppose someone other than a consumer of the rowset updates the data underlying a row or deletes the row. If the row is released completely, any consumer of the rowset will see that change the next time it fetches the row. This includes updates and deletes made by other parties in the same transaction as well as updates and deletes made by parties outside the transaction. For more information about visibility of updates and deletes, see "Visibility of Other Changes" in Chapter 5, "Updating Data in Rowsets."

Note   The transaction isolation level does not affect the ability of the rowset to see updates or deletes made by other parties in the same transaction, such as other rowsets in the same session. However, it does restrict the ability of the rowset to see updates or deletes made by parties outside the transaction.

VARIANT_FALSE The rowset cannot see updates and deletes made by others.

For information about how this relates to the cursor types in ODBC, see the DBPROP_OTHERINSERT property.