MDAC 2.5 SDK - OLE DB Programmer's Reference
Appendix C: OLE DB Properties

Property group: Data Source Information
Type: VT_I4
Typical R/W: R
Description: Quoted Identifier Sensitivity
Indicates how quoted identifiers treat case. One of the following:
- DBPROPVAL_IC_UPPER—Quoted identifiers in SQL are case-insensitive and are stored in uppercase in system catalog.
- DBPROPVAL_IC_LOWER—Quoted identifiers in SQL are case-insensitive and are stored in lowercase in system catalog.
- DBPROPVAL_IC_SENSITIVE—Quoted identifiers in SQL are case-sensitive and are stored in mixed case in system catalog.
- DBPROPVAL_IC_MIXED—Quoted identifiers in SQL are case-insensitive and are stored in mixed case in system catalog.