MDAC 2.5 SDK - OLE DB Providers
OLE DB Provider for Oracle


Isolation Levels

Oracle clients can control transaction-isolation levels for a connection. To control transaction-isolation level, the consumer uses the following:

All levels restrict concurrency by applying locks to Oracle objects. As the client requires greater concurrency levels, Oracle applies greater restrictions on concurrent access to data. To maintain the highest level of concurrent access to data, the consumer should intelligently control its requests for specific concurrency levels.

Oracle supports only the READCOMMITTED and SERIALIZABLE isolation levels. All others are promoted to these levels. In high-performance situations, SERIALIZABLE is discouraged because of the number of locks taken to achieve that level of concurrency.

For more information about Go to
Isolation levels "Isolation Levels" in Chapter 15 of the OLE DB Programmer's Reference, "Transactions"
Locking objects "Transaction Locks" in Chapter 15 of the OLE DB Programmer's Reference, "Transactions"