MDAC 2.5 SDK - OLE DB Providers
OLE DB Provider for Oracle


Supported Data Types

The OLE DB Provider for Oracle supports all Oracle 7.3 data types; however, it does not support any of the new Oracle8 data types listed here or any of the Object extensions to Oracle8.

Data type Oracle 7.3 Oracle8
BFILE n/a Not supported
BLOB n/a Not supported
CHAR Supported Supported
CLOB n/a Not supported
DATE Supported Supported
FLOAT Supported Supported
INTEGER Supported Supported
LONG Supported Supported
LONG RAW Supported Supported
NCHAR n/a Not supported
NCLOB n/a Not supported
NUMBER Supported Supported
NVARCHAR2 n/a Not supported
RAW Supported Supported
VARCHAR2 Supported Supported
MLSLABEL Not supported Not supported

Note   For more information about the allowable size of the VARCHAR column, see "Limitations of the OLE DB Provider for Oracle" in this guide.