MDAC 2.5 SDK - OLE DB Programmer's Reference
Chapter 18: Programming Considerations


Chapter 18: Programming Considerations

This chapter discusses various OLE DB programming considerations.

For more information on Go to
OLE DB support for aggregation "Aggregation" in this chapter
Registering OLE DB components "Registry Entries" in this chapter
Identifying enumerators in the registry "Enumerator Registry Entries" in this chapter
Identifying provider registry entries "Provider Registry Entries" in this chapter
Identifying error lookup registry entries "Error Lookup Service Registry Entries" in this chapter
Provider support for single, apartment, and free-threaded OLE DB objects "Provider Threading Models" in this chapter
Provider threading responsibilities "Provider Threading Responsibilities" in this chapter
Free-threaded consumer responsibilities "Consumer Threading Responsibilities" in this chapter
Preventing interruptions from the wrong thread "Threading and Notifications" in this chapter
Error objects and thread types "Threading and Error Objects" in this chapter
Threading and transaction assumptions "Threading and Transactions" in this chapter
Storage objects and IPersist* objects threading types "Threading and COM Objects" in this chapter
Freeing memory by the consumer "Argument Memory" in this chapter