MDAC 2.5 SDK - OLE DB Providers
OLE DB Remoting Provider


Behaviors Specific to the OLE DB Remoting Provider


The remoted recordset does not exhibit exactly the same behavior as the original recordset. The consumer application on the client gets a recordset implemented by the client-side cursor engine. All the data and metadata associated with the original recordset is remoted, but only a subset of underlying rowset properties and interfaces is remoted. So if the original recordset supports a specific, nonstandard interface, the remoted recordset will not support it.

The RDS client-side recordset has the following characteristics and properties:

For more information about the client-side Cursor Service for OLE DB, see the ADO documentation of the "Microsoft Cursor Service for OLE DB" in the ADO Programmer's Reference.

For more information about the RDS.DataControl object, see "Data Control Object (RDS)" in the ADO Programmer's Reference.

For more information about the ActiveConnection property, see "ActiveConnection Property" in the ADO Programmer's Reference.