MDAC 2.5 SDK - OLE DB Providers
OLE DB Remoting Provider


DataFactory Version Compatibility


New functionality has been added to the server-side DataFactory object for version 2.1 and can be used only when the version 2.1 Remoting Provider is used on the client. However, the Remoting Provider will work with versions 1.5, 2.0, and 2.1 of the DataFactory, with the following exception. 

When the Remoting Provider calls the DataFactory object, the DataFactory object attempts to use the new interface. If it cannot detect the new interface, the DataFactory object uses the older interface. However, if the Remoting Provider called for methods unavailable on the older interface, an error will result.

For more information about the DataFactory object and its supported methods, see "DataFactory Object (RDSServer)" in the ADO API Reference.