MDAC 2.5 SDK - OLE DB Providers


The OLE DB Provider Document Template

Overview of the XX Provider

Who can use this provider

State into what application or system architecture, or what scenario, this provider fits. What are the other system and application components?

What this provider allows you to do

What software application problem does it solve? Describe all scenarios.

[If applicable, include architectural diagram(s).]

Additional resources

The following technical articles and white papers are posted on the "Technical Materials" page of the Universal Data Access Web site at, or included with the Microsoft® Data Access Components (MDAC) SDK. Articles are listed here in order of their relevance.

Their presence and location are subject to change with each release. Other articles can be found in the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Library. Detailed articles concerning known limitations or workarounds can be found in the MSDN Knowledge Base.

Documents Date written/posted


OLE DB Programmer's Reference

ADO Programmer's Reference

Web sites

New Features of the XX Provider

Optional introduction of new features.

New Features Topic 1

New Features Topic 2

Using the XX Provider: A Closer Look

Brief introduction to explain how you can make this provider work.

Setting Up the XX Provider

If applicable, what tools are required (or helpful) to customize the provider, and how are they used? This might include testing/debugging tools, provider construction tools, or provider templates.

Include samples in applicable languages.

Invoking the XX Provider

Describe how to call the provider in typical scenarios. Some providers are designed to work with other providers; some providers can work alone.

Show samples.

Supported Interfaces of the XX Provider

List and describe the OLE DB, COM, and/or ADO interfaces that this provider supports.

Descriptions might be minimal if the interfaces are similar to the interfaces in the relevant Programmer’s Reference.

Insert snippets of code here or reference the “Samples” section if necessary.

Supported Properties of the XX Provider

List and describe the OLE DB, COM, and/or ADO properties that this provider supports.

Descriptions might be minimal if the properties are similar to the properties in the relevant Programmer’s Reference.

Property Description
prop 1 desc
prop 2 desc

Behaviors Specific to the XX Provider

If the provider exhibits specific behaviors, then introduce here. Answer the question: What makes specific behaviors necessary? What are the limitations and caveats of this provider?

Include code (snippets would be adequate) where beneficial.

Behaviors Topic 1

specific behavior

Behaviors Topic 2

specific behavior

Appendix A—Notes

Text is optional. At most, describe briefly.

Installation Notes

File name(s) or installation sources

Required products

Supported Platforms

Version compatibility

Product compatibility and dependencies

Add topics as necessary.