MDAC 2.5 SDK - OLE DB Providers
OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Jet
While some versions of the 3.5 provider exposed the IRowsetIndex interface, actual OLE DB spec compliance was somewhat lacking. The 3.5 provider did not support setting ranges via IRowsetIndex::SetRange, and the IRowsetIndex::Seek method did not properly implement all seeking options. The final version of the 3.5 code disables this interface because of these limitations. All clients that want to use indexes to seek or set ranges should use the 4.0 code instead of the 3.5 code. The 4.0 provider fully complies with the OLE DB specification in this area.
Although the 4.0 provider supports the Seek and SetRange interfaces, it does not support these methods on file formats other than the 4.0 .mdb file format. To accommodate the OLE DB specification, significant changes and additions had to be made and it was not possible to make these changes to the other Installable ISAMs that Jet uses to access other storage formats, including the IISAMs that access previous formats of .mdb files (which includes those used in Microsoft Access 97).
SetRange is not currently exposed in ADO.