MDAC 2.5 SDK - OLE DB Providers
OLE DB Remoting Provider


New Features of the OLE DB Remoting Provider

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Implementation method

When released with MDAC 2.0, the remoting functionality was implemented as a special tag used in the connection string for opening ADO recordsets. ADO treated this tag (Provider=MS Remote) in a special manner. You could not directly invoke or work with the Remoting Provider from within your code as you could with other OLE DB providers.

Now the functionality is implemented as an OLE DB service provider with its own properties and settings, making it possible to code directly to this provider from your applications. You call the Remoting Provider the same way you code to other OLE DB providers, such as the OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Indexing Service and the OLE DB Provider for SQL Server.


Previously, if some rows failed to update (due to update conflicts or other reasons), the whole recordset was not updated and it was not possible to determine which rows failed. Only the success or failure of the batch update operation was remoted to the client. A detailed status for each row was not available to the client.

Now, RowStatus array is returned by the Update or RefreshVisibleData methods so that the status of the failed rows is visible to the client.