MDAC 2.5 SDK - OLE DB Providers
Cursor Service for OLE DB


Overview of the Cursor Service


Who can use the Cursor Service

Developers building applications using OLE DB technologies can define new cursors or manipulate existing cursors with the Microsoft® Cursor Service for OLE DB. This service can be used both on client-tier and on middle-tier applications, and in conjunction with other OLE DB data providers and service component providers.

What the Cursor Service allows you to do

The Cursor Service provides a client-tier and middle-tier cache for data sets (or cursors) and a service that implements smart synchronization functions. Using these services dramatically reduces network traffic while giving you full control over data synchronization. The Cursor Service can be installed on each tier of a multitier application, providing an effective solution for scalability. The OLE DB rowset becomes a convenient structured data buffer that can be marshaled by value between computers or processes. Changes to the rowset can be tracked and exposed when the rowset is returned to the server that created it. Sorting and filtering are also possible. The Cursor Service is an underlying technology that is hidden from the ADO user and accessible to the OLE DB developer through the IRowset interface.

Additional Resources

The following technical articles and white papers are posted on the "Technical Materials" page of the Universal Data Access Web site at or included with the Microsoft® Data Access Components (MDAC) SDK. Articles are listed here in the order of their relevance.

Their presence and location are subject to change with each release. Other articles can be found in the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN™) Library. Detailed articles concerning known limitations or workarounds can be found in the MSDN Knowledge Base.

Documents Date written/posted
OLE DB/ADO: Making Universal Data Access a Reality May 1998
Choosing and Managing Cursors

Chapter 7 in the Visual Studio 6.0 documentation, "Developing for the Enterprise"

July 1998
Optimistic Remote Updating in the Client Cursor Engine March 1999


OLE DB Programmer's Reference

ADO Programmer's Reference

Web sites