MDAC 2.5 SDK - OLE DB Providers
Cursor Service for OLE DB


Supported Interfaces of the Cursor Service


The Cursor Service for OLE DB supports the interfaces listed in the following table.

Interfaces Description
IColumnsInfo Determines basic column information such as number of columns, type, and labels.
IColumnsRowset Used to retrieve extended metadata information such as BASETABLENAME, BASECOLUMNNAME, and KEYCOLUMN.
IDBAsynchStatus Consumers can ask for status or cancel operations when asynchronous data source object initialization or asynchronous rowset generation or population has been requested.
IRowset Base rowset interface, providing methods for fetching rows sequentially, getting the data from those rows, and managing rows.
IRowsetIdentity Indicates whether row instance identity is implemented on the rowset and enables testing for row identity. This means that any two row handles representing the same underlying row will always reflect the same data and state.
IRowsetChapterMember Detects whether or not a row is a member of a chapter.
IRowsetChange Used to update the values of columns in existing rows, delete existing rows, and insert new rows.
IRowsetInfo Provides information about a rowset.
IRowsetResynch Discards the entire row and any changes to that row.
IRowsetScroll Enables consumers to fetch rows at approximate positions in the rowset.
IRowsetUpdate Enables consumers to delay the transmission of changes made with IRowsetChange to the data store. For specific information about the available methods, see:





IParentRowset Used to retrieve child rowsets from a hierarchical rowset.