MDAC 2.5 SDK - OLE DB Providers
OSP Toolkit


Full Registration

To fully register a provider, include a special entry for the OSP Data Object in the registration template file, RegisterProvider.reg. Including this entry eliminates the need to write code that loads the OSP Data Object and hands it off to the Msdaosp.dll.

To fully register a provider

  1. Register the OLE DB Simple Provider DLL (Msdaosp.dll) with Regsvr32.exe.

  2. Register the OSP object. (For Visual C++ and Visual J++ users only—Visual Basic users will omit this step because that environment automatically registers the DLL.)
  3. Copy, rename, and complete the RegisterProvider.reg template file.

  4. Double-click the RegisterProvider.reg file to import the settings into the registry.

Windows Registry Entries

Following are the entries that are written to the registry after performing steps 1, 2, and 4 in the previous section.

The first group of registry entries, shown below, consists of entries listed under the CLSID subkey that are generated by running Regsvr32.exe on Msdaosp.dll (step 1).

            (Default) = "C:\PROGRAMFILES\COMMON FILES\
                        SYSTEM\OLE DB\MSDAOSP.DLL"
         OLE DB Provider
            (Default) = "Microsoft OLE DB Simple Provider"
            (Default) = "MSDAOSP.1"
            (Default) = "MSDAOSP"

The second group of registry entries, shown below, consists of entries listed under the CLSID subkey that are generated by running Rgsvr32.exe on the provider DLL (step 2).

      {CLSID of OSP Data Object }
            (Default) = "Path of OSP DataObject DLL"
            Threading Model = "Both"
            (Default) = "ProgID for the OSP Data Object"
            (Default) = "Version independent ProgID for this provider"

The third group of registry entries, shown below, lists the entries under the CLSID subkey that are generated after running the registration template file (step 4).

      {CLSID of your OLE DB Provider}
            (Default) = "C:\PROGRAMFILES\COMMON FILES\
                        SYSTEM\OLE DB\MSDAOSP.DLL"
         OLE DB Provider
            (Default) = "YOUR SIMPLE PROVIDER NAME"
            (Default) = "YOUR_PROGID.1"
            (Default) = "YOUR_PROGID"
         OSP Data Object
            (Default) = "ProgID of OSP Data Object"