MDAC 2.5 SDK - OLE DB Providers
OSP Toolkit



Returns an estimate of the total number of rows in the data set. With an asynchronous provider, callers can use this method with OLEDBSimpleProvider::getRowCount to get an estimate of the percentage of data received.

HRESULT getEstimatedRows (
   LONG *   pcRows);



Estimated number of rows in the data set.

Return Codes


The method succeeded.


A provider-specific error occurred.


When an estimate of the number of rows cannot be provided, the provider should return a value of -1.

Synchronous providers should not block on a call to OLEDBSimpleProvider::getEstimatedRows. They should either return a value of -1 to indicate that they cannot provide an estimate, or they should provide the actual row count (the same as would be obtained through OLEDBSimpleProvider::getRowCount).

Providers should not return the final row count prior to issuing OLEDBSimpleProviderListener::transferComplete.