MDAC 2.5 SDK - OLE DB Programmer's Reference
Appendix B: Schema Rowsets



The TABLES_INFO rowset identifies the tables (including views) defined in the catalog that are accessible to a given user.

The TABLES_INFO rowset contains the following columns.

Column name Type indicator Description
TABLE_CATALOG DBTYPE_WSTR Catalog name. NULL if the provider does not support catalogs.
TABLE_SCHEMA DBTYPE_WSTR Unqualified schema name. NULL if the provider does not support schemas.
TABLE_TYPE DBTYPE_WSTR Table type. One of the following or a provider-specific value:


TABLE_GUID DBTYPE_GUID GUID that uniquely identifies the table. Providers that do not use GUIDs to identify tables should return NULL in this column.
BOOKMARKS DBTYPE_BOOL Whether this table supports bookmarks when opening this table with IOpenRowset::OpenRowset or SELECT * FROM <table-name>.

VARIANT_TRUE—The table supports bookmarks.

VARIANT_FALSE—The table does not support bookmarks.

BOOKMARK_TYPE DBTYPE_I4 Default bookmark type supported on this table. Contains one of the following values:

DBPROPVAL_BMK_NUMERIC—The bookmark type is numeric.

DBPROPVAL_BMK_KEY—The bookmark type is key.

For more information, see "Bookmark Types" in Chapter 4, "Rowsets."

This column is not NULL only if the BOOKMARKS column is VARIANT_TRUE.

BOOKMARK_DATATYPE DBTYPE_UI2 The indicator of the bookmark's native data type.

For a list of valid type indicators, see "Type Indicators" in Appendix A.

This column is not NULL only if the BOOKMARKS column is VARIANT_TRUE.

BOOKMARK_MAXIMUM_LENGTH DBTYPE_UI4 Maximum length of the bookmark in bytes.

This column is not NULL only if the BOOKMARKS column is VARIANT_TRUE.

BOOKMARK_INFORMATION DBTYPE_UI4 A bitmask specifying additional information about bookmarks over the rowset. A combination of zero or more of the following:

DBPROPVAL_BI_CROSSROWSET—If set, bookmark values are valid across rowsets generated by calling IOpenRowset::OpenRowset on this table. If not set and if supported, bookmark values are valid only within a single rowset over this table.

TABLE_VERSION DBTYPE_I8 Version number for this table or NULL if the provider does not support returning table version information. This number is assumed to change every time the table is modified through ALTER TABLE, CREATE INDEX, DROP INDEX, or similar statements. The way in which this number is generated is provider specific.
CARDINALITY DBTYPE_UI8 Cardinality (number of rows) of the table.
DESCRIPTION DBTYPE_WSTR Human-readable description of the table.
TABLE_PROPID DBTYPE_UI4 Property ID of the table. Providers that do not use PROPIDs to identify columns should return NULL in this column.