MDAC 2.5 SDK - OLE DB Testing


Installation and Setup

To install the Trace Provider

  1. Locate the Trace Provider files using one of these methods:
  2. Register the two .dll files with REGSVR32.

To set up the Trace Provider

  1. Follow the installation instructions above.

  2. Launch the Trace Provider Administrator, "TraceAdminVB", from the command line or double-click the icon.

  3. Select the providers you want to trace.

    Note   You can select service components (service providers) as well. Interfaces invoked by a service component will be reported to the receiver as if it came from the data provider. The more items you select, the larger the log file and the greater the performance degradation.

  4. Specify whether you want to filter out calls to IUnknown or OLE DB Services.

  5. Launch your application and perform the operations you want to trace. The Trace Provider will intercept calls until the provider check box is cleared in the Administrator or until your application terminates. The trace output will be saved to the default log file, Dbtrace.log.