MDAC 2.5 SDK - OLE DB Samples


Rowset Viewer Menus and Toolbar

Using Rowset Viewer menu commands, you can invoke methods on a variety of provider-supported interfaces. The toolbar contains buttons for frequently used operations, and presents tool tips for easier identification.

Menu Commands
File Connection and disconnection capabilities: Full Connect and Full Disconnect

Service Components, Root Binder and Root Enumerator, and Data Links

Recent Configurations and Recent Files


DataSource COM and OLE DB interfaces to create Data Source objects

Release Object

Session COM (IUnknown) and OLE DB interfaces to create Session objects

Release Object

Command COM (IUnknown) and OLE DB interfaces to create Command objects

Clear Command and Release Object

Rowset COM (IUnknown and IConnectionPointContainer) and OLE DB interfaces to create Rowset objects

Invoke services, including the Cursor Engine, RowPosition object, and MSPersist

Release Object

Row COM (IUnknown and IConnectionPointContainer) and OLE DB interfaces to create Row objects

Release Object

Error COM (IUnknown) and OLE DB interfaces to create Error objects

GetErrorInfo, SetErrorInfo, Display All Errors

Release Object

Tools Options—Use to set Data Source, Command, Accessor, Rowset, Notification, and Error options for Rowset Viewer

Trace Window—Activates the Output window, allowing text editing.

Objects Window—Activates the Objects window

Window Standard window-manipulation functions