MDAC 2.5 SDK - OLE DB Samples


Rowset Viewer Overview

Rowset Viewer offers a simple way to view and manipulate OLE DB rowsets, with the added ability to call and manipulate other OLE DB methods from the datasource, session, command, rowset, transaction, and notification objects supported by any OLE DB provider.

Rowset Viewer Features

The Rowset Viewer sample has a separate multi-document interface (MDI) child window for each connection to a provider. Each MDI child window contains three panes. The Edit pane allows you to edit command text and enter table names to be used with ICommandText and IOpenRowset. The Rowset pane displays rowset data and includes scroll bars implemented from IRowsetScroll. The Notification pane displays all notifications from rowset and datasource objects, all method calls, and all input and output parameters. The sample will also display any error information posted by the provider.

Rowset Viewer Limitations

You can call nearly all OLE DB methods from Rowset Viewer. Some methods are not yet implemented; these will appear disabled in the menu. Otherwise, Rowset Viewer is capable of calling all OLE DB methods that are supported by the provider.