Constrained Properties

A bound property informs interested components that a change has taken place; a constrained property gives listeners the opportunity to reject, or veto, the change. You can use constrained properties to prevent components from changing their abilities; for example, you can make sure that a timer component will never have its delay changed to an unacceptably short (or long) value. For example, if I wanted to allow other components to veto changes in the color of a SimpleBean, I could implement the following process.

public class SimpleBean extends Canvas 
    // New field for vetoable changes
    private VetoableChangeSupport vetoes =
        new VetoableChangeSupport(this);

    private PropertyChangeSupport changes =
        new PropertyChangeSupport(this);

    public Color getColor()
        return getBackground();

    public void setColor(Color new_color)
        throws PropertyVetoException
        Color old_color = getBackground();

        // Inform listeners of the pending change.
        // The exception thrown will be sent to whoever 
        // called setColor.
        vetoes.fireVetoableChange("New color", old_color,

        // Now make the change

        // Send change event to listeners
        changes.firePropertyChange("New color", old_color,

    // Methods to manage veto listeners
    public void addVetoableChangeListener(
        VetoableChangeListener l)

    public void removeVetoableChangeListener(
        VetoableChangeListener l)

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