Batch and Transaction Management

Perhaps the most compelling reason to use a batch SQL approach is the need for a finer level of transaction control. When using an Access database with a single user, transaction management is a minor concern at best. However, when multiple users are accessing a data source, with the potential of simultaneous updates, transaction management can have a huge impact on the performance and reliability of SQL Server.

In the previous example, the transaction is committed to the server—i.e. the changes are actually applied to the data—as soon as it is executed. In many cases this is perfectly acceptable. However, if we need a finer level of control over when a transaction is committed, either for performance reasons or due to dependencies between records, we can choose to define the beginning and the end of each transaction.

We looked briefly at transactions in the previous chapter. To define the beginning and end of transaction, we use the BeginTrans and CommitTrans methods of the Connection object:

Conn.Execute SQLQuery, lRecs

Here we explicitly define the beginning of a transaction. By doing so, the underlying ODBC provider will no longer automatically commit a transaction. To apply changes to a database, the Connection object's CommitTrans method is called. If an error occurs, the RollbackTrans method is available. RollbackTrans will 'undo' any changes made as a result of the SQL that has been submitted since the last CommitTrans was called.

Things to Consider When Using Transactions

To get the maximum performance when using transaction statements to process database records, we need to structure them well. The following is a list of guidelines that may be helpful as you experiment with transactions:

As you can see, we can now specify when and under what conditions data is applied to our data server. In addition, and perhaps more importantly, we can undo these changes at any point in the process.

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