
In this chapter, we have concluded our look at the electronic commerce case study. This case study has shown how a book publisher can sell their books electronically. In the examination of this case study, we have seen how to use some of the technologies that Microsoft has introduced in the NT4 Option Pack. The previous two chapters dealt with how to use Microsoft Transaction Server to create three-tier applications in a web environment. In this chapter, we were introduced to Microsoft Message Queue Server, and looked at how to add the finishing pieces to the electronic commerce case study.

Specifically, we looked at:

This concludes our look at how to build client-server applications using the technologies that are part of IIS 4.0. We introduced two powerful systems that offload a great deal of the work in creating powerful, scalable systems. By integrating Transaction Server and MSMQ with ASP and IIS, Microsoft has produced a world-class enterprise-level application development and deployment platform. And in this section of the book, we have shown you real-world examples of how to implement these kinds of systems.

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