
Our first trip into the world of scriptlets ends here. At this point, however, we have just scratched the surface and there's much more still to see and do. This chapter served the purpose of presenting an overview of the scriptlet creation process. Nevertheless, we have discussed a major portion of scriptlets-related topics.

In particular, you've learnt:

From now on, we'll go more and more thoroughly into programming details, covering all the other points that are required to write commercial-quality, real-world scriptlets.

Before this, however, we need to provide ourselves with a more powerful tool and a comfortable environment for working with the greatest ease. Therefore, in the next chapter we will build a wizard for automating the creation of scriptlets. This wizard will ask us for a few options and deliver, in an instant, ready-to-run source code.

In addition, we'll attempt to customize the Developer Studio environment—writing a few macros that will speed up our work.

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