The first computer program I ever wrote was the standard Hello World program. It’s such a classic program that sometimes I just can’t resist using it again. However, I’ve enhanced the program just a bit since that very first one. I now call it the Hello Jill program, named after my wife, Jill, who means the world to me.
I rewrote the program using the MSAgent control. It was very interesting to see the Genie pop up and say, “Hello Jill!”
I also was curious about the rest of the Agents. With a few quick patches, I had the program I’m going to talk about here.
Figure 14.13 shows the Hello Jill window. To run it, simply select the character you wish to use, type what you would like the character to say into the text box, click the Speak button, and then sit back and wait for your speech.
Figure 14.13: Running the Hello Jill program