This program uses a combo box to hold the list of available colors. It allows the users to view the colors to see exactly which ones were included in the program, but in this version of the program, they can’t change the colors. The other combo box is used to hold a list of the Agents. Users can select anyone to be the host, and the remaining characters will become the players. Listing 14.10 shows how this is set up.
Listing 14.10: Form_Load Event in I’m Thinking of a Color
Private Sub Form_Load()
Combo1.AddItem “black”
Combo1.AddItem “blue”
Combo1.AddItem “brown”
Combo1.AddItem “green”
Combo1.AddItem “orange”
Combo1.AddItem “pink”
Combo1.AddItem “purple”
Combo1.AddItem “red”
Combo1.AddItem “silver”
Combo1.AddItem “tan”
Combo1.AddItem “violet”
Combo1.AddItem “white”
Combo1.AddItem “yellow”
Combo1.Text = “Color list”
Combo2.AddItem “Genie”
Combo2.AddItem “Merlin”
Combo2.AddItem “Robby”
Combo2.Text = “Genie”
PlayerInitialized = False
End Sub
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