Installing the Characters

After the software has been installed, you need to install the files that contain each of the characters. Microsoft currently has the three characters you saw earlier: Genie the Genie, Merlin the Magician, and Robby the Robot. There is also an enhanced version of Merlin called MerlinSfx, which has special sound effects that accompany his actions.

WARNING: One Merlin is fine, but two are trouble: While both Merlin characters can be loaded onto the same hard disk, an application can only load one at a time. If you attempt to load a second Merlin, your program will stop with a runtime error.

The installation notes about where to place the characters aren’t clear. However, most developers are placing their characters in the \Program Files\Microsoft Agent\Characters\ directory. The location isn’t critical, but every program that uses an Agent needs to know where the characters are stored.

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