The Head Section

The web page begins with a simple head section. The head section contains the title for your web page and the script section. You will build the head section first and insert the script section later. Because HTML is nothing more than ASCII text, you will construct the page by using Notepad. Any text editor, including Microsoft Word, will work, but all files must be saved as ASCII text and typically have the extension htm.

While you are creating this file, you should be aware of one special consideration: some text editors, such as the one included with Windows NT 3.51, support the Unicode format. Unicode is a text format that uses 2 bytes per character. Unicode was designed to provide support for languages with more than 256 characters. When you are using a text editor that supports Unicode, be sure to save the text in ASCII format and not in Unicode format. ASCII format uses only 1 byte per character and is the format that browsers will expect.

Step 1

Begin your HTML page by opening a new document in Notepad or in a similar text editor. Add the following code to begin the head section:


Step 2

Add a title to your page by using the <TITLE></TITLE> tags. The text that appears between the <TITLE></TITLE> tags will be displayed by the browser in the title bar of the browser and not actually on the page. Place the following code in your page to add the title and close up the head section:

<TITLE>Event Registration</TITLE>


© 1996 by Scot Hillier. All rights reserved.