Adding the VBScript Code

In this section, you will place VBScript code in the bytecomp.alx file to make the web page interactive. Although the Script Wizard is available in ActiveX

Control Pad, you will find it easier to use a text editor to add the code for this project. The VBScript code you add will animate the icons for the selected products by moving them across the page when the products are selected. You will also use VBScript code to track the total cost for the purchase.

Step 1

Open bytecomp.alx in Notepad.

Step 2

The beginning of the script section defines several variables for use with the web page. One variable is defined for the total cost, and several variables are defined to mark the starting position for each image before it is animated. None of these variables is defined within a procedure, and therefore they all are global to the entire web page. Add the following code at the top of the bytecomp.alx file to define the variables:


    Dim intTotal

    Dim dblFloppy
    Dim dblHardDrv
    Dim dblCDROM
    Dim dblMonitor
    Dim dblKeyboard
    Dim dblMouse
    Dim dblModem
    Dim dblJoystick


Step 3

When a button is clicked, the total cost of the purchase is computed. The timer on the web page is also started—if it is not already running—so that the product's image can be moved to the right-hand side of the form. Add the code beginning on page 380 to handle the Click events for each button:

    Sub btnFloppy_Click
        If btnFloppy.Value=True Then
        End If
        lblTotal.Caption="$" & intTotal & ".00"
    End Sub

    Sub btnHardDrv_Click
        If btnHardDrv.Value=True Then
        End If
        lblTotal.Caption="$" & intTotal & ".00"
    End Sub

    Sub btnCDROM_Click
        If btnCDROM.Value=True Then
        End If
        lblTotal.Caption="$" & intTotal & ".00"
    End Sub

    Sub btnMonitor_Click
        If btnMonitor.Value=True Then
        End If
        lblTotal.Caption="$" & intTotal & ".00"
    End Sub

    Sub btnKeyboard_Click
        If btnKeyboard.Value=True Then
        End If
        lblTotal.Caption="$" & intTotal & ".00"
    End Sub 

    Sub btnMouse_Click 
        If btnMouse.Value=True Then
        End If
        lblTotal.Caption="$" & intTotal & ".00"
    End Sub

    Sub btnModem_Click
        If btnModem.Value=True Then
        End If
        lblTotal.Caption="$" & intTotal & ".00"
    End Sub

    Sub btnJoystick_Click
        If btnJoystick.Value=True Then
        End If
        lblTotal.Caption="$" & intTotal & ".00"
    End Sub

Step 4

When an item is selected, its icon is moved from the middle of the form to the right side. This movement is animated with a Timer control. The Timer control checks the location of each product image on the page and moves it as necessary. Add the following code to animate the product images:

    Sub tmrBytes_Timer 
        Call Animate(btnFloppy,imgFloppy,dblFloppy)
        Call Animate(btnHardDrv,imgHardDrv,dblHardDrv)
        Call Animate(btnCDROM,imgCDROM,dblCDROM)
        Call Animate(btnMonitor,imgMonitor,dblMonitor)
        Call Animate(btnKeyboard,imgKeyboard,dblKeyboard)
        Call Animate(btnMouse,imgMouse,dblMouse)
        Call Animate(btnModem,imgModem,dblModem)
        Call Animate(btnJoystick,imgJoystick,dblJoystick)
    End Sub
    Sub Animate(MyButton,MyImage,MyStart) 
        MyImage.ZOrder 1
        If MyButton.Value=True and MyImage.Left<MyStart+240 Then
        End If
        If MyButton.Value=False and MyImage.Left>MyStart+20 Then
        End If
    End Sub

Step 5

When a user wants more information about a product, he or she can simply click the right mouse button on the product image. The MouseDown event for each image triggers the appearance of a message box that offers additional product information. Add the following code to provide this information:

    Sub imgFloppy_MouseDown(Button,Shift,X,Y) 
        If Button=2 Then
            MsgBox "1.44MB Drive and Ten Disks",64,"ByteComp"
        End If
    End Sub

    Sub imgHardDrv_MouseDown(Button,Shift,X,Y)
        If Button=2 Then
            MsgBox "1GB Internal IDE Drive",64,"ByteComp"
        End If
    End Sub

    Sub imgCDROM_MouseDown(Button,Shift,X,Y)
        If Button=2 Then
            MsgBox "4X IDE CD-ROM Drive",64,"ByteComp"
        End If
    End Sub

    Sub imgMonitor_MouseDown(Button,Shift,X,Y)
        If Button=2 Then
            MsgBox "14-Inch VGA Monitor",64,"ByteComp"
        End If
    End Sub

    Sub imgKeyboard_MouseDown(Button,Shift,X,Y)
        If Button=2 Then
            MsgBox "128-Key Ergonomic Keyboard",64,"ByteComp"
        End If 

    End Sub 

    Sub imgMouse_MouseDown(Button,Shift,X,Y)
        If Button=2 Then
            MsgBox "Two-Button Serial Mouse",64,"ByteComp"
        End If
    End Sub

    Sub imgModem_MouseDown(Button,Shift,X,Y)
        If Button=2 Then
            MsgBox "28.8 Internal Modem",64,"ByteComp"
        End If
    End Sub

    Sub imgJoystick_MouseDown(Button,Shift,X,Y)
        If Button=2 Then
            MsgBox "Aviation-Style Joystick",64,"ByteComp"
        End If
    End Sub

Step 6

The order form in your project should perform some simple data validation. You will use the KeyPress event to trap keystrokes sent to txtCardNumber and reject any keystrokes but numbers and hyphens. Add the following code to provide some simple validation:

    Sub txtCardNumber_KeyPress(KeyASCII) 
        If KeyASCII=8 Then txtCardNumber.Locked=False
        If KeyASCII=45 Then txtCardNumber.Locked=False
        If KeyASCII>47 and KeyASCII<58 Then
        End If
    End Sub

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