The Head Section

The head section of the HTML file contains the title and base reference for the page. The head section will eventually contain the script section, in which you will perform some simple client-side data validation. The script section is covered in detail after the discussion of the body section. For now, you will simply add some basic HTML code to this section.

Because HTML code is only ASCII text, you can construct a page by using Notepad. Any text editor will work, including Microsoft Word, but all files must be saved as ASCII text and typically have the extension htm.

While you are creating this file, you should be aware of one special consideration: some text editors, such as the one included with Windows NT 3.51, support the Unicode format. Unicode, a text format that uses 2 bytes per character, was designed to provide support for languages with more than 256 characters. When you are using a text editor that supports Unicode, be sure to save the text in ASCII format, not in Unicode format. ASCII format uses only 1 byte per character and is the format that browsers will expect.

Open a new document in a text editor such as Notepad to start creating your web page at the head section. The head section always contains the title and the base reference for the page. Add the following code to your project to create a title and base reference:

<TITLE>Intranet Newsletter Subscription</TITLE>
<BASE HREF="/project1/">

The base reference points to the root folder for this page. Obviously, if you change the folder for this page, you will have to change the base reference. We have specified a relative address here, but it may be necessary to specify a full HTTP address—for example, <BASE HREF="http://myserver/project1/" >, where myserver is the name of your server. You can obtain the name of your Windows NT server by clicking on the Network icon in the Control Panel.

© 1996 by Scot Hillier. All rights reserved.