The Intrinsic Select Control

The intrinsic Select control is used to create a list of selections. It is similar to the ComboBox control in Visual Basic. The Select control is implemented in HTML with the <SELECT></SELECT> tags. The <OPTION> tag is used to identify each element in the list.


NAME A string representing the name of the Select control
SIZE An integer representing the number of items in the list that are visible at one time
MULTIPLE An option that allows multiple items in a list to be selected
SELECTED An option that causes the element in the list to be selected by default


OnFocus Fires when the control receives the focus
OnBlur Fires when the control loses the focus
OnChange Fires when the control is changed


<SELECT NAME="string" [SIZE="integer"] [MULTIPLE] [OnFocus="subroutine"][OnBlur=" subroutine"][OnChange="subroutine "]



<OPTION VALUE="1">Visual Basic

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