The Intrinsic TextArea Control

The intrinsic TextArea control is similar to the Text control but allows multiline user input. Text areas are created with the <TEXTAREA></TEXTAREA> tags.


NAME A string representing the name of the TextArea control
ROWS An integer representing the height of the control in lines
COLS An integer representing the width of the control in characters


OnFocus Fires when the control receives the focus
OnBlur Fires when the control loses the focus
OnSelect Fires when the contents of the control are selected
OnChange Fires when the control is changed


<TEXTAREA [NAME="string"] [ROWS="integer"] [COLS="integer"] [Onfocus="subroutine"] [OnBlur="subroutine"] [OnSelect="subroutine"][OnChange=" subroutine"]></TEXTAREA>


<TEXTAREA NAME="txtWords" ROWS="20" COLS="20">

© 1996 by Scot Hillier. All rights reserved.