The Wrox Car Company Web Application

You've seen some screen shots of the completed Wrox Car Company application earlier in this chapter, so you'll have a good idea of what it includes. You can run the application directly from our own Web site at
(together with other samples from this book), or download it and install it on your own system. Appendix A contains instructions on setting up the server-side database and configuring the components on your own server.

Note that the Finance ActiveX control is not signed, so you must set your browser's security level to Low if you want to use the control within the application. There are more details about this control on our Web site where you'll find the application.

What we're interested in looking at here is how our application is designed to implement the features we considered earlier in this chapter. You won't find detailed descriptions of the HTML tags we used; but you will see how we used client-side scripting, Dynamic HTML, and Internet Explorer-specific features to achieve a minimum number of server connections and maximum responsiveness.

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