
By default, a state machine does not have any memory. The special notation

offers a mechanism to memorize the substate last visited, and to get back to it during a transition entering the encompassing superstate. The history indicator applies to the level in which the
symbol is declared. The
symbol may be placed anywhere within the state — the bottom left corner is the default location.

The following diagram represents a state

that memorizes the last active substate. The history is initialized when the transition issued from the initial state
is triggered.

It is also possible to memorizing the last active substate, regardless of its depth; this is indicated by the

symbol. The intermediate memory levels are obtained by placing a symbol
in each hierarchical level. In the following example, state
memorizes the last active substate, independent of the nesting of substates.

The next example shows the use of history to implement a dishwasher. The washing cycle is split into three main stages: washing, rinsing, and drying. The door may be opened at any time — to add a cup, for example. As soon as the door is closed, the washing cycle restarts at the same point as where it was stopped.

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