Creating the Visitors Database

In order to store information about our site visitors, create a simple database called Visitors. I just used Access to whip up this five-field table named siteVisitors. Notice that the cookieid field is type AutoNumber. This will ensure a unique entry for each new visitor to your site. We're going to quickly create this simple database.

Try It Out - Create the Visitors.mdb Database

1.  Use Access to create the database and place it in your

subdirectory. Of course if you don't happen to have Access on our machine, simply fire up Visdata and create the table.

Call the database

and create a table called siteVisitors.

2.  The database is very simple. Please add the following fields to the siteVisitors table:

Field Name Data Type Description
FirstName Text 50
LastName Text 50
CookieID AutoNumber Primary Key
PreviousVisit Date/Time
TotalVisits Number Long Integer

Now close the file and quit Access.

Now we are ready to build our .DLL file that will manage all data access for us.

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