Opening Recordsets

To open a recordset, we use the .Open method of the recordset object  and pass in the name of the table we want to be placed in the recordset (as well as the name of the open connection) as parameters.  In this example, we can open a recordset with only two parameters as shown:

adoRecordset.Open "Publishers", adoConnection

Once the recordset is opened, we simply loop through like we did using DAO. In fact, the syntax to access a field is exactly the same using the recordset!field notation.  So once we open the recordset, the programming is almost identical to DAO: 

Do Until adoRecordset.EOF
  List1.AddItem adoRecordset!Name

Finally, when we want to close both the recordset and connection, just use the Close method of both objects:

  set sdoRecordset = Nothing
  set adoConnection = Nothing

We certainly did dimension these object variables locally - they only exist in the click event procedure of the command button. As such, they go out of scope when the program leaves the procedure. So if we omitted the .Close methods, both would be closed by default when they go out of scope. But we have been talking consistently about not relying on the default behavior of Visual Basic. This has to do with both initializing variables as well as releasing them. So it is good form to explicitly close both of the object variables before exiting the procedure. We should also set both object variables to Nothing which effectively releases the pointers to them and frees up the memory they consume.

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